Gender Wars No More

Red Wolf Journal

What if I’m not what I’ve been taught
a bookend to prop-up, balance, support,
a half that fits perfectly another half,
Eve, made just for Adam who came first,
an afterthought, a helpmeet, a second
fiddle to harmonize? Maybe that’s not
what God had in mind but man deducing
from man’s point of view.

What if I was meant to be a whole, not half,
a single stand of woolen yarn, full of its
own strength and color? And what if you
too were meant to be a whole? Two twin
buildings standing tall, two thick oaks facing
the storm, two strands of woolen yarn
twined, strength doubled, against the fray,
yet strong alone if that’s meant to be.

A warrior woman. A warrior man. Defending
each other back to back, a sword in one hand
a shield in the other. And even if one is lost
a whole remains.


Thoughts after reading “Love Warrior, A Memoir” by Glennon Doyle Melton Debi writes primarily to prompts. She is a wife, mother, grandmother and happy WV poet.

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