A Drench of Grace

adashofsunny Prompt Nights – Rain showers my spirit and waters my Soul –  Sanaa Rizvi

“The world is mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful.” e. e. cummings


This poem is a grey lined sky
roiling clouds of pent up sadness
tension mounting sizzling crackling
across my skin goosebumps mounting
then a drop. A ping. A tap-tap tapping
on my upturned face till a steady fusing
of tears and rain washes away the day’s

This poem is a heave of relief. A sigh,
diamonds in the sky, a motif of release
as tears and rain mingle into a single
sheet of wet drips from my chin, rivulets
of violet boohoos. Then, it’s over. An ooze
of sunshine from behind the clouds
and the greys of sky and life clear out…

17 thoughts on “A Drench of Grace

  1. Whistles!! ❤ Such a powerful rendition Debi 😀 indeed rain has healing powers as it helps wash our pain and eliminate worries. Beautifully executed. Thank you so much for participating at Prompt Nights and for your constant love and support ❤ ❤

    Lots of love,

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Rivulets of violet boohoos…what a wonderful image.. but boohoos can hurt too..release and rejuvenation are indeed a much needed grace.. beautifully conveyed here


  3. Gina needs to stop quoting the bits I wanted to quote! I guess I’ll forgive her this time… since it might be difficult not to notice and appreciate that wonderful description.

    Love the ease after the storm feeling, especially through your word choice (An ooze
    of sunshine from behind the clouds)
    as if even after the calm, the memories of chaos still reign.


  4. Such a vivid and powerful piece, Debi. Love how in the first stanza, you build up tension with the use of clouds, and then release in the second one as “sunshine oozes behind the clouds”. It’s simply beautiful!


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